UNI-T UTS-EMI01 Near Field Probes Kit
Utilized alongside UNI-T spectrum analyzers for EMI testing, Near Field Probes assess magnetic field strength on components, coupling channels, and the environment near electronic modules.
Kit contains NFP-3G-P1/P2/P3/P4 near field probes
30 MHz ~ 3 GHz Frequency Range
UNI-T UTS-EMI01 Near Field Probes Kit
Product Overview
Utilized alongside UNI-T spectrum analyzers for EMI testing, Near Field Probes assess magnetic field strength on components, coupling channels, and the environment near electronic modules. This aids in swiftly pinpointing interference sources. Utilized alongside UNI-T spectrum analyzers for EMI testing, Near Field Probes assess magnetic field strength on components, coupling channels, and the environment near electronic modules. This aids in swiftly pinpointing interference sources.
This kit contains four near-field probes NFP-3G-P1, NFP-3G-P2, NFP-2G-P3 and NFP-3G-P4
Locating EMI
Detecting the strength of the magnetic fields