Environment Meters
Environment meter is a broad term that refers to a number of different instruments. These instruments measure a mixture of variables including temperature, humidity, airflow light and sound. Instruments that measure one (and sometimes two) of these variables have their own names. Hygrometers (humidity), anemometers (airflow), sound and light meters (light/sound) and obviously thermometers (temperature).
5-in-1 Environment MeterHumidity :  10% to 95%RH Sound :  35 to 130dB Light :  0 to 20,000 Lux Airflow :  0.5 to 30m/secLearn More£177.00 SKU: AET-965
4-in-1 Environment MeterHumidity :  25% to 95%RHRH Temp :  -20° to 750°C (K-Type) Sound :  35 to 130dB Light :  0 to 20,000 LuxLearn More£115.00 SKU: APT-5035